Required Reading

Warren Buffet read 1000 pages a day. You should be reading 100.

"Reminiscences of a Stock Operator"

by Edwin Lefevre

"The Market Wizards Series"

by Jack Schwager

If there was a trading bible, Reminiscences would be the Old Testament and the Market Wizards series would be the New Testament.

“Market Wizards”,
“New Market Wizards”,
“Stock Market Wizards”,
“Hedge Fund Market Wizards”,
“Unknown Market Wizards” - All by Jack Schwager
“Poor Charlie’s Almanac” -Charlie Munger
“When Genius Failed, rise and fall of LTCM” - Lowenstein
“The King of Oil” - Ammann
"Liar’s Poker" & "Flash Boys" - Lewis
“Fortune’s Formula” - Poundstone
“The Psychology of Intelligence Analysis” - Richards Heuer
“Confessions of a Street Addict” - Cramer
“The Prize - quest for Oil, Money, and Power” - Yergin
“Against the Gods” - Bernstein
“Alchemy of Finance” - Soros
“Hot commodities” - Rogers
“Margin of Safety” - Klarman
“You Can be a Stock Market Genius” - Greenblatt
“A History of Interest Rates” - Homer & Sylla
“Extraordinary Popular Delusions, and the Madness of Crowds”
“Essays of Warren Buffett” by Cunningham