About The Knife's Edge: Empowering Traders for Success

Why work with us

Our Company Culture

We understand that trading is not just about numbers—it’s about the individuals behind the trades. With over two decades of trading experience, we bring a battle-tested perspective to our coaching. We’ve navigated the highs and lows, the wins and losses, and we’re here to share those invaluable insights with you.

Our approach is highly personalized. We recognize that each trader is unique, with their own strengths, weaknesses, and aspirations. Through 1:1 coaching, we tailor our guidance to your specific needs, helping you build a foundation of skills that will serve you throughout your trading journey.

Our Vision

At The Knife's Edge, our vision is to revolutionize the way traders approach their craft. We aspire to transform the industry's statistics by equipping traders with not just the right strategies, but also the holistic skill set needed to excel in the dynamic world of trading. Our vision is a community of empowered traders, confidently walking the blade with discipline, resilience, and expertise.

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide personalized, 1:1 coaching that empowers traders to rise above the challenges and uncertainties of the market. We are committed to helping our clients master the art of trading by imparting essential skills, fostering a deep understanding of risk management, and nurturing a mindset that embraces adaptability and continuous growth. Our mission is to guide traders towards consistent profitability and success.

Eric Foster

Managing Director

We help businesses and individuals navigate the complex world of finance.

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We provide personalised solutions that are tailored to the unique needs of each of our clients.

Whether you're a seasoned trader seeking to refine your skills or a newcomer looking to break into the world of trading, The Knife's Edge is here to guide you. Together, we'll navigate the complexities of trading, helping you walk confidently on the blade, achieving both profitability and personal growth.

Our Team

We have different experts for different trading services

Maria Daniels

Managing Director

James Oliver

Finance Advisor

Alicia Roman

Managing Director

Andy Thomson

Finance Advisor

Ready to Begin Your Journey?

With over two decades of consistently profitable trading, our lead coach has weathered market storms and honed their skills. They have navigated the knife's edge, slipping but never falling, and are here to share their wisdom with you.

Contact me to avoid the fate of nearly every aspiring trader.