
Connected Counsel

For 30 years, Hemisphere has forged successful, long-term, strategic alliances with numerous professional services providers. The Connected Counsel platform brings partner firms together with these alliances to further enhance the value added to client relationships. By delivering a holistic approach to managing a client’s financial concerns and objectives, the Connected Counsel platform can simplify the complexities of navigating financial advice and enhance your client relationship.
Our client-centered approach to managing portfolios has enabled us to be an important resource in expanding services available to partner firms. As an independent investment firm, we offer unconstrained portfolio management solutions that provide the flexibility needed for managing diverse client needs.

Becoming a Connected Counsel Partner Firm

In an increasingly competitive and ever-changing environment, it is vital to stand out from the crowd by offering exceptional value and service to clients.
Learn more about the Connected Counsel platform and the services Hemisphere Capital Management Inc. can offer your clients.
Collaborate with us on how the Connected Counsel platform can add value to your client relationships and firm.
Connect the dots in your client’s financial life by implementing your new services offering.